Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Two ears and one mouth


Valentin said...

Dear Adam, I am glad to hear that Brad's presentation has really thaught you a lot about the importance of team-work in the work-place. I completely share your impression of his ideas, advices and recommendations to all of us. In fact, you have desribed it very well and i will stop with my comments right here!

Thomas Michael Blaser said...

Adam, thanks for the summary. As to the issue about being a one-man-team, remember that Brad asked where does your team begin and where does it stop? So who is in his team? All of us in the room? His family? The guy who provides the software he is using for his presentation?

Temitope Adewunmi said...

Nice piece Adam, but you still want to hang Brad for propagating the gospel of "team spirit" without having a team. I guess we have already been told by a lot of the speakers that the world of work is changing and the definition and types of team would definitely also change. The new way to work in a team would be through networking, which i think Brad was trying let you know. Jobs are becoming more project based and hence need to have teams on and off. Any way nice summary. Cheers.


Susan Mwangi said...

Adam, you have captured the essence of the seminar quite nicely. Interesting how there are all these ideas floating around: from intangible assets (knowledge, information to mobile (virtual) offices to one-man teams...) the 21st century World of Work is hectically dynamic.